How old must you be to file a patent

My kid (14 years old) is pretty innovative and has a great idea that he wants to write a patent for -- himself. I know enough about patents to know that he probably can't do a good enough job himself to file a patent that can offer much protection, however, I want him to do it just for the learning experience of it. It doesn't cost much to file. My question though is: is there a lower age limit for filing? Can someone under the age of majority file a patent? (Jurisdiction is the USA.) Thanks.

asked Feb 20, 2016 at 21:01 13 3 3 bronze badges

1 Answer 1

There are no age requirements for patents, because technically only the TRUE INVENTOR can apply for a patent. If you filed for a patent under your name and later it was discovered your son was the inventor, there would be legal consequences.

Your son can very likely write a pretty good application with a little help. You need this book: Patent It Yourself

It is absolutely fantastic! Good luck to you son!

answered Feb 22, 2016 at 22:55 user16092 user16092

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