Prior authorization form for rx solutions

Patients are not getting intended prescribed medications


Approximately 70 percent of patients encountering a PA do not receive the originally prescribed medication

Point of Care Partners. Electronic Prior Authorization for Medications: The Time is Right for Plans, PBMs and Other Payers. February 2012. Hanson, KA. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. An Analysis of Antihypertensive Use Following Initially Rejected Pharmacy Claims for Aliskiren. September 2009: Vol. 15, No. 7, pg 573-574.

Patients often forego treatment altogether


Upwards of 40 percent of patients who receive a PA forego treatment altogether.

Point of Care Partners. Electronic Prior Authorization for Medications: The Time is Right for Plans, PBMs and Other Payers. February 2012. Hanson, KA. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. An Analysis of Antihypertensive Use Following Initially Rejected Pharmacy Claims for Aliskiren. September 2009: Vol. 15, No. 7, pg 573-574.

Physicians change treatments to avoid PA hassles


An overwhelming 76 percent of physicians stated that they’ve switched treatments in order to avoid dealing with the PA process.

Steffen, B., Sharp, D. Recommendations for Implementing Electronic Prior Authorization: a report prepared for the Maryland General Assembly Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing. December 2011.

Time consuming process for physicians


54 percent of physicians reported spending at least an hour a day fulfilling PA requirements.

Steffen, B., Sharp, D. Recommendations for Implementing Electronic Prior Authorization: a report prepared for the Maryland General Assembly Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing. December 2011.

PAs are often denied for minor errors, without a clinical review


Up to 70% of PA denials are based on administrative reasons before they are even considered for a medical review.

Trivium Health, Inc

PAs are becoming much more prevalent


The share of covered prescriptions for brand medications which required PAs grew from 8% in 2007 to 21% in 2013.

NORC/Social and Scientific Systems Analysis of data from CMS (in Medicare Prescription Drug Plans)

Office staff find PA process challenging


92 percent of Medical Group Practice Managers believe that the PA process is becoming more challenging and 97 percent find the PA process to be time consuming.

PARx survey, New England Medical Group Managers Association conference, March 2013

PAs disrupt pharmacy workflow

1+ hour

PAs are very disruptive to a pharmacy’s workflow. Typical pharmacies spend at least one hour each day managing prescription PAs.

Learn more about the Challenges of Prior Authorization


Help patients receive the medications that their clinicians deem to be best suited to treat their conditions – without the hassle that PAs create. PARx Solutions’ free Prior Authorization Support System (PASS) helps prescribers and their staff process PAs without having to search for forms or deal with frustrating and time consuming calls with managed care plans.


Prescribers are finding it increasingly difficult to prescribe medications they deem best for their patients due to prior authorization challenges. Securing an effective PA service can be a key step in navigating the complex PA landscape. Check out our free eBooklet to get started in selecting the right PA service for your practice.

Ready to tackle your PA problems? Have questions?


PARx Solutions has won this year’s eyeforpharma Awards in the Entrepreneur Award: Health Solution category!

PARx Solutions , January 9, 2020

Have you heard the news? PARx Solutions has won the eyeforpharma 2020 Entrepreneur Award in the Health Solution category! We are honored to be in the company of the winners in other categories who are making innovation visible, setting the bar higher and broadening the possibilities for pharma by showing what can be achieved.

5 PA predictions for the coming year

Pharmaceutical Executive , January 6, 2020 | Dan Rubin

Hope your 2020 is off to a great start! Our CEO Dan Rubin gives his predictions for prior authorization trends this year.

"Set it and forget it" - keeping patients on the Rx their provider prefers

PARx Solutions , July 8, 2019 | Dan Rubin

Read about how PARx's prior authorization renewal reminder program is helping providers ensure their patients continue to have access to the prescriptions they need.

Death by Prior Authorization

Pharmaceutical Executive , April 24, 2019 | Dan Rubin

Read Dan's latest article on the real-life impact that an effective prior authorization process has on patient care and patient's lives.

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