- Use: reasonable development is OK.
- Termination: merger, release (signed writing), abandonment (act + intent), estoppel, prescription, end of necessity (for easement by necessity)
9. Fixtures
- A fixture passes with real property.
- Look at intent to make the item a fixture—mnemonic = DAMN: damage removal would cause, adaptation of item to realty, manner in which it is attached, and nature of the item.
10. Adverse Possession
![Adverse Possession Requirements (CHANGE)](https://jdadvising.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Adverse-Possession-Requirements-CHANGE-1030x588.png)
- Tacking is permitted.
- If the true owner has a disability (mnemonic = JIM: jail, mental illness, minor) at the time the adverse possessor enters, then the time period is tolled until the disability is lifted.
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