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Horse Lease Agreement Parties: This Agreement is made this and between the following parties: Owner or Lessor Name: (hereinafter “Owner”) Phone Number: Lessee Name: (hereinafter “Lessee”) Phone Number: Horse: This contract pertains to the following horse (hereinafter “the horse”): Registration No: Date Foaled: Other Description (if necessary):Owner warrants that he/she is the owner of the horse and agrees to lease said horse to LESSEE subject to the following terms of this
Lessee Liability: All Parties signing as Lessee are jointly and severally liable for all obligations of this agreement, and have read and
accepted all the terms on this contract. The Term of this Lease shall commence on , and terminate onunless the parties agree in writing to continue the term of this lease in which case the new term shall be attached hereto, signed and dated
by both parties hereto and these same terms and conditions shall apply thereto. LESSEE SHALL ( option to return the horse to Owner prior to the end of the lease term.Purchase of Horse by Lessee: At the end of this Lease Agreement, date stated above, Lessee has the option of purchasing said Horse for
the mutually agreed upon amount of $ (terms of sale to be determined on separate Equine Sales Contract). Lease Payment Fee: Lessee shall pay to Owner a Lease fee in the amount of $ , payable as follows:Transportation: Lessee shall assume all transportations costs relating to the leasing of said horse from current location to location of
Lessee’s choice. Lessee shall return said horse to Owner at the end of the term and Lessee shall assume all transportation costs associated
with returning Horse to Owner at the end of Lease term.Lessee shall not have the right to relocate the horse without Owner’s express written permission except as may be usual and customary
for competition purposes.Care of Horse: Lessee agrees to follow all usual and customary practices for care of horse at Lessee’s own expense, to maintain horse in
good health and provide any and all necessary and prudent veterinarian and farrier needs at Lessee’s cost and at no cost to Owner. If, for
any reason the Horse must be euthanized, all costs associated with euthanizing said Horse shall be at Lessee’s expense. If said Horse
should, at any time, become missing, lost, seriously injured, sick or dead, the Lessee shall immediately notify Owner by telephone.
Risk of Loss and Insurance: Lessee assumes risk of loss or injury to said horse. Lessee has the option of obtaining a life and loss-of-use
insurance policy on said Horse in the mutually agreed upon amount of $ , listing Owner as Loss Payee and Ownershall not hold any other further claims against the lessee and Owner will accept the insurance as adequate compensation. In the event of the
death of said horse and Lessee has not maintained an insurance policy on said Horse, Lessee agrees to pay Owner a replacement cost of $
Warranty of Suitability for a Specific Purpose: Lessee has informed Owner of Lessee’s intent to Lease this horse for the specific
purpose of: (Identify Fully):Owner warrants that, to the best of Owner’s knowledge, this Horse is suitable for the stated purpose; further, that all relevant conditions of
the horse, both physical, mental and/or behavior specific, which would be relevant to use for these particular purposes and which are